The kickoff event was featured in Nikkei MJ and The Nikkei.


The kickoff event was featured in Nikkei MJ and The Nikkei.

The kickoff event for “Creating the Best Movies with AI” at UPDATE EARTH 2024 in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, was featured in Nikkei MJ and The Nikkei.

Article Headline

Master of violence films, Director Takashi Miike: “With AI, we can capture the ‘now’—faster, cheaper, and better,” experimenting with users.

Lead (from Nikkei MJ)

[From the 17th issue of MJ] Takashi Miike, 63, known as the “master of violence,” launched the “Association for Creating the Best Movies with AI” and held a kick-off event in Maebashi City in March. Why is a director acclaimed worldwide taking the hand of generative AI (artificial intelligence) now? We asked about the challenges and future facing the film industry.


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